
international society

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 Publikacja w języku angielskim, której celem jest wymiana doświadczeń, wyników badań, idei i koncepcji oraz dyskusja między naukowcami, badaczami oraz praktykami w zakresie marketingu i biznesu międzynarodowego na rynkach Europy Środkowej... więcej >

The aim of this book is to provide basic knowledge on international marketing in the European market. It is targeted at students of management, international business and international economic relations, but may also be appreciated by practitioners... więcej >

This book facilitates a harmonious convergence of the insights of distinguished scholars and practitioners who have written their chapters drawing primarily on three interconnected perspectives on sustainability and consumption. Entire publication... więcej >

The book is a result of close cooperation of three research units: Department of City and Regional Planning of Selcuk University in Turkey, Department of Regional and Local Development of Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem in... więcej >

For years we have struggled to response to a challenge of teacher education in its various contexts, being aware of the deficiencies of teacher training and development, but, at the same time, not reaching community-negotiated solutions. [...] The... więcej >

Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published since 1988 under the auspices of the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw. Anglica is an annual print in two volumes. The literary volume... więcej >

Anglica. An International Journal of English Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published since 1988 under the auspices of the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw. Anglica is an annual print in two volumes. The literary volume... więcej >

The aim of the initiative has been the publication of the discussions which took place during annual 27th MAG Scholar Global Business, Marketing & Tourism Conference host by University to Economics in Katowice in 2017. This Conference, organized... więcej >

Overall, author’s intention is to combine the latest theoretical concepts with up-to-date examples of consumer behavior from different markets and cultures. To create the book useful for students studding at International Business, Psychological... więcej >

The first chapter concentrates on modern socio-political challenges. Thus, it discusses nationalism, identity, religious issues and orthodox ideas as sources of potential conflicts. It further analyzes humanitarian operations and responsibility to... więcej >

The lion's share of global investments are likely being conducted for tax avoidance purposes through controlled foreign companies (CFC) established in tax havens or low tax jurisdictions.Avoiding tax via CFCs causes several problems, in particular... więcej >

The main objective of this textbook is to show cultural aspects and their influence of conducting business internationally. The authors aimed at providing information which can be useful in the process of making business decisions by taking into... więcej >

Znaleziono: 88 pozycji


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