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Ebooki: Publikacje w języku angielskim

Znaleziono: 131 pozycji


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Sustainable food security is a pressing global challenge, requiring research and advocacy for both production and consumption practices. On one hand, the focus of research lies in the development of technologies and processes that enable the... więcej >

This book is devoted to upwardly mobile university lecturers or people who “escaped the collective fate of their class”. The upward mobility of the academic faculty is under-researched in the peripheries of global knowledge production, although... więcej >

This book consists of a collection of sixteen studies on the history of ancient Roman administration, law and society. They were originally published in the form of separate articles in Polish in the years 2007–2020, and this volume is their... więcej >

This publication presents the ongoing developments in the maritime environment and shows how they will impact the future submarine operating environment. The changes are triggered both by intensive and commercial activities around the maritime... więcej >

WYDANIE DRUGIE POPRAWIONEEgzamin ósmoklasisty z serii: Nie tylko dla orłów - GRAMATYKAto pigułka gramatyczna zawierająca materiał według wytycznych CKE w formie wybranych ćwiczeń typu egzaminacyjnego.350 zdań5 rodzajów... więcej >

This monograph is an attempt to contribute to the new but currently dynamically developing direction of basic research in the discipline of “economics and finance” concerning non-financial reporting. The novelty of this publication lies in the... więcej >

This book is my story. It's about success, the road to it; there's a bit of theory. But mostly, it's about practice - how, in 158 days (the title 5 months and five days), I changed my life and lost 50.5 kg.A hilarious picture of Pawel Jaronski is... więcej >

This monograph is the result of cooperation between twenty researchers from eleven Polish universities and is based on the assumption that both employees and HRM in organizations are increasingly subject to unprecedented contextualization. The... więcej >

"Foundations of Animal Law. Concepts-Principles-Dilemmas" stanowi anglojęzyczną i skierowaną do audytorium międzynarodowego wersję książki wydanej w 2022 r. pod tytułem "Prawo ochrony zwierząt. Pojęcia, zasady, dylematy". Omawia ona... więcej >

Sound engineering is one of the fastest-growing branches of music production. The need for a broad-based discussion on the issues constituting the art of sound engineering persists and loses none of its relevance, revealing that sound engineering... więcej >

Autor: Ilona Ciciała

Wydawnictwo: My Miracle Desserts

Format: epub, mobi, pdf, ibuk

My diet contains 30 recipes with dietary recipes with a calculated calorie value. These are extremely delicious meals that are filling for a long time and make dieting easy and enjoyable. There are recipes for both savoury and sweet dishes. It is by... więcej >

Nowoczesny, wszechstronny podręcznik z zakresu metodyki nauczania języka angielskiego, łączący rozmaite perspektywy metodologiczne i dyscyplinarne. Niezbędnik dla początkujących nauczycieli, studentów anglistyki lub lingwistyki stosowanej... więcej >

Niniejsza monografia realizuje bardzo aktualny i ważny z punktu widzenia zarządzania przedsiębiorstwami temat. W swoich rozważaniach autor odnosi się do bieżących uwarunkowań, nowych koncepcji gospodarczych. Zrealizowane przez Autora badania... więcej >

This book deals mainly with economic growth, its interdependence with social capital, and the consequences of the “happy productive worker” hypothesis. A happy employee works better, earns more money, and as a result, his quality of life goes... więcej >

This volume (the fourth in the series) is dedicated to two mathematicians: Wojciech Kucharz, who celebrates 70th anniversary in 2022 and Tadeusz Winiarski who celebrated the 80th anniversary in 2020. These people were closely associated with our... więcej >

This volume is a collection of short day-by-day commentaries on the 20th Party Congress. As we know, Xi Jinping has cemented power and established his now unique place in the history of the Communist Party of China. However, the commentaries are not... więcej >

A characteristic feature of the modern global economy is the deepening economic interdependence and increasingly closer business-to-business trade relations. The growth of international trade has been significantly supported by transaction financing... więcej >

With the increasing interest in academic entrepreneurship (AE), an interdisciplinary and multidimensional phenomenon, this book provides insights on the different aspects of the process, especially from the CEE countries. The topics cover include... więcej >

The book delivers a rich set of foundations, state-of-the-art knowledge, new approaches and methods for the purpose of anomalies detection, maritime traffic analysis as well as risk and reliability assessment. It addresses relevant research problems... więcej >

The monograph is concerned with the phenomenon of transition to adulthood of young Poles and reaching the stage of completed adulthood, i.e. being economically and socially independent. The study is the first comprehensive presentation of this... więcej >

The aim of this volume is to compare various types of administrative procedure and show their similarities and differences in national, European and global dimensions. The Authors’ intention is also to capture the regularities governing the... więcej >

Business tendency surveys provide information which is valuable to the respondents themselves as well as to economic policy makers and analysts. This is an area of special interest for economists working in governments, national banks, statistical... więcej >

A Frequency Dictionary of Old English Prose is a list of Old English words arranged according to their frequency, covering the whole York–Toronto–Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose (Taylor et al. 2003), i.e. an electronic collection of... więcej >

Quick growth of Chinese economy heralded a shift in the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific. In recent years China’s growing assertiveness, manifested by growing military presence in South China Sea, has been perceived as a major security... więcej >

Opis wydawniczy:Opracowanie zawiera analizę regulaminów szkół doktorskich w Polsce, której podjęli się doktoranci różnych polskich podmiotów kształcących doktorantów, w oparciu o aktualny stan pranwy. Opierała się ona na przygotowanym... więcej >

Prudential supervision of credit institutions in the European Union has for a long time been the responsibility of national bodies, even though this did not match the international character of the activities of many supervised banks. After the... więcej >

Innovation and sustainable development have become buzzwords in the 21st century with the idea of creative destruction launched by Joseph Alois Schumpeter being the base for evolutionary economics. However, new institutional economics helps to... więcej >

This monograph is an outcome of research completed within the Visegrad Grant “Workplace Whistleblower Protection in the V4 Countries, France and Slovenia” – WhistlePro (2020–2021), financed from the International Visegrad Fund. The project... więcej >

Diversity and multiculturalism have become pervasive in today’s organizations. Facets of Managing in Cross-Cultural Diversity is a timely publication critically exploring the phenomenon of managing in cross-cultural diversity. This book offers... więcej >

The subject of the monograph deals with various strategies used by advanced non-native Polish advanced learners of English while indicating word stress and its position withi mulitiple syllable English words.The first chapter is entirely devoted to... więcej >

This e-book aims to present the most critical aspects of knowledge about using experiments in economics and practical tools for using them. The topic is extended to the more advanced and increasing in popularity area of biometric research. The book... więcej >

Monografia stanowi próbę wypełnienia luki w wiedzy na temat niesłyszących piłkarek i piłkarzy nożnych. W monografii autor przedstawił zarys rozwoju sportu osób niesłyszących, w tym piłki nożnej niesłyszących. Autor zajął się... więcej >

Książka jest wynikiem wielu lat analiz i doświadczeń. Po licznych pobytach w Jemenie autorka zauważyła potrzebę opisania dialektu środkowego Jemenu, zwracając uwagę na brak lub niedostateczny opis regionu. Nie chciała zajmować się... więcej >

Systematic research and comprehensive analyses allow to monitor the implementation of the sustainable development goals. Obviously, when you are interested in the selected issue of sustainable development, it is worth using data from the secondary... więcej >

The aim of this book is to present the most important issues related to sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). They are discussed from a macro and micro perspective, both in the form of theoretical foundations of... więcej >

This publication was written for a Global Political Economy course taught in business schools offering undergraduate or graduate levels of education. The textbook focuses on select countries and regions which, in our opinion, will be the most... więcej >

“This book is not addressed to the learned, or to those who regard a practical problem merely as something to be talked about,” with this sentence English philosopher Bertrand Russell began The Conquest of Happiness and it has become an... więcej >

Niniejsza książka przedstawia instytucję umorzenia zobowiązań podatkowych w porządkach prawnych: Polski, Niemiec, Republiki Czeskiej i Anglii w szerokim kontekście prawa podatkowego oraz prawa upadłościowego. Monografia koncentruje się na... więcej >

Toward the „new normal” after Covid-19 – a post-transition economy perspective contains a collection of 21 papers addressing the societal, political, economic, and managerial challenges of the post-pandemic world. The book is divided into... więcej >

The aim of the e-book is to present the theoretical, cognitive and practical aspects of the essence and complexity of operational management in a production company. The presented modern production methods together with the challenges and problems... więcej >

The presented publication is a type of bibliographic dictionary, compiled by an interdisciplinary team of authors (Byzantynists and Paleoslavists), containing an overview of medieval texts referring to the person of Muhammad, the Arabs, and the... więcej >

Known for her drawings and paintings, Swiss artist Miriam Cahn also experiments with photography, moving images, and sculptures. For over four decades the artist has been bearing witness to social conflicts, crises and emergencies, contemplating the... więcej >

Professor Alina Kwiatkowska’s untimely departure prevented her from seeing this publication project through to the end. This book is dedicated to her memory and it is only suitable to have the volume summarised in Professor Kwiatkowska’s own... więcej >

The authors of the monograph apply their competences in the field of risk management in the financial system in order to organise what is currently known about the COVID-19 pandemic.They recognise that by nature it is both endogenous as a result of... więcej >

The papers in this volume concern different linguistic categories from a variety of perspectives. The first and second papers by Janusz Badio deal with evaluation in EFL written stories and the linguistic coding of events in agreement with their... więcej >

he issue of elders is a topic which will never become outdated. The approach employed by society to the solution of the actual issues of elders is often very diverse and inconsistent. The views of elders held both by younger generations and the... więcej >

The monograph is scientifically valuable, innovative and brings the high potential for application. The discussed topics are up to date and significant for both theory and economic practice. The literature review presented herein is of high academic... więcej >

What is and where is the Islamic World in 2019? If we understand the Islamic World as all Muslim-majority countries, according to the Pew Research Center (2015) we would find 50 such countries with a total population of over 1.8 billion. The highest... więcej >

The book contains a series of eight long case studies on various business issues in emerging markets (for instance Polish, Chinese, Nigerian). The authors focus on a variety of topics from marketing, through business operations, finance, leadership,... więcej >

The book has been developed for students of first year courses in International Relations, Finance and Management. It is prepared in a way that allows you to learn by yourself. Hence, great emphasis was placed on the examples. They are resolved... więcej >

Znaleziono: 131 pozycji


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