
Stewardship theory

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Rejuvenation of development assistance offered by the Southern donors has changed the landscape of the global aid architecture in the 21st century. India has re-emerged as a global provider of resources for development challenging the post-Cold War... więcej >

This book encompasses the essential range of information on technical aspects of mechanical design. It was written primarily for the students and staff of chemistry faculties of technical universities, yet it may also be utilized by everyone, who... więcej >

The book not only shows how to analyse, research and solve particular problems related primarily to immigrant and refugee children and their families, but – something that comes as a very valuable aspect – points to the need to problematize them... więcej >

Publikacja dotyczy zagadnień związanych z tworzeniem tematycznych słowników onomazjologicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem słowników o charakterze pedagogicznym. książka łączy tematykę leksykograficzną z podejściem do badań... więcej >

This publication addresses the tasks of higher education institutions posed by the UN Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development. In line with the recommendations, the book disseminates results of research of various areas of education for... więcej >

This study has a dual orientation and a dual aim: Theoretical and analytical. On the theoretical side, it presents a relatively little know cognitive model of categorization, Vantage Theory, surveys its linguistic applications and proposes its... więcej >

The work discusses the notion of the basic phonological segment from the perspective of selected European and American phonological theories. The discussion consists in the analyses of specific phonological problems in accordance with the tenets of... więcej >

Game theory is a branch of mathematics which studies strategic interactions, i.e., interactions which involve more than one agent and in which each agent makes her decision while striving to predict the decisions of other agents. Game theory has... więcej >

Publikacja General Accounting Theory – Evolution and Design for Efficiency stanowi unikalną pozycję na polskim rynku wydawniczym. Powstała z inicjatywy pracowników Katedr Rachunkowości Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie i WSPiZ im. Leona... więcej >

Innovation is a complex, multi-aspect, global, regional and industry process. It is a consequence of the interaction of creativity, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, knowledge, management and economic growth. A competitive position of countries and... więcej >

The present work will be devoted to the study of how the technical problems related to the design of combustion engines could be solved based on the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. Practical examples of how to use thermodynamics for describing... więcej >

Monografia stanowi z pewnością ważne wydarzenie w polskim świecie językoznawczym. Jest to bowiem bardzo ambitna próba „sportretowania” językoznawstwa w nowożytnej i najbardziej twórczej fazie jego rozwoju. Opis, który proponuje... więcej >

Znaleziono: 47 pozycji


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