Archiwum Kryminologii t. XLII Archives of Criminology

Archiwum Kryminologii t. XLII Archives of Criminology

1 opinia



Editorial Board of the Archives of Criminology (Archiwum Kryminologii), the oldest and most prestigious peer-reviewed Polish criminological journal, decided to prepare this special issue.
The criminological literature devoted to the con sequences of the political, economic, and social transition in Central and Eastern Europe has been steadily growing over the past thirty years. In our opinion, it may be well worth the effort to contribute to this literature with a collection of articles by several authors from Central and Eastern Europe presenting a Central and Eastern European perspective on selected issues regarding crime and crime control after the fall of communism. We feel that we are now able to present our readers with twelve interesting and high-quality papers that deal with various aspects of crime and crime control throughout the region during the last thirty years, and the current situation regarding these problems. The authors come from almost all countries in the region: Czechia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Serbia.

The topics span a comprehensive spectrum of topics, including: general quantitative and qualitative analyses of crime trends; general and specific problems of crime control, including specific forms of sanctions ranging from community-type sanctions to life imprisonment and the death penalty; specific types of crime, such as trafficking in human beings, violence against woman, and not paying maintenance for dependents; specific criminological perspectives, like research on criminal careers; and finally, the transformation of penitentiary systems.

Each paper brings a specific national background and perspective, while at the same time, all of them deal with the common experience of crime as a phenomenon that accompanies the process of transforming the fish soup of the authoritarian state and central planning back into the aquarium of liberal democracy, the rule of law, and freedomrs; and finally, the transformation of penitentiary systems.

Prof. Krzysztof Krajewski, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
Prof. Miklós Lévay, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Prof. Gorazd Meško, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Vesna Nikolić-Ristanović, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Rok wydania2020
Liczba stron272
KategoriaPublikacje darmowe
WydawcaInstytut Nauk Prawnych PAN
Numer wydania1
Język publikacjiangielski
Informacja o sprzedawcyePWN sp. z o.o.

Ciekawe propozycje

Spis treści

  Introduction    5
  Prof. Yakov Gilinskiy
  University of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Russia
  Criminology and the criminal justice system in the Russian Federation
  after socio-political transformation    9
  dr. Milana Salmanovna Dikaeva
  Herzen State Pedagogical University (Russia)
  Penal policy in the Russian Federation: Trends and perspectives    23
  Prof. József Kó
  National Institute of Criminology (Hungary)
  Crime statistics in Hungary, 1968–2017: What is shaping the trend?    45
  Prof. Dr. sc. Oliver Bačanović
  Assoc. Prof. Dr. sc. Angelina Stanojoska
  University ‘St Kliment Ohridski’ (Macedonia)
  Crime and criminality in the Republic of North Macedonia:
  A general overview of the period 1991–2018    75
  Dr. Konrad Buczkowski Dr. Paulina Wiktorska
  Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
  Crime in the subsequent adult life of former juvenile offenders: Selected aspects of the impact of political transformation in Poland on a return to delinquency by adults who were juvenile delinquents
  in the 1980s and 2000s    97
  Dr. hab. Dagmara Woźniakowska-Fajst
  Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
  20 years on the path – the criminal careers of polish juvenile girls    117
  4 Contents
  Dr. Petronella Deres Dr. Szandra Windt
  National Institute of Criminology (Hungary)
  The characteristics of trafficking in human beings
  in Hungary and Romania    139
  Dr. Magdalena Grzyb
  Jagiellonian University (Poland)
  ‘We condemn abusing violence against women’: The criminalization
  of domestic violence in Poland    163
  Dr. Paweł Ostaszewski
  University of Warsaw (Poland)
  Transition in offences of not paying maintenance in Poland    185
  Dr. Gabriel Oancea
  University of Bucharest (Romania)
  Dr. Mihai Ioan Micle
  Romanian Academy (Romania)
  The emergence of community control sanctions in the Romanian
  sanctioning system    207
  Mgr Joanna Klimczak Dr. Maria Niełaczna
  University of Warsaw (Poland)
  Extreme criminal penalties: Death penalty and life imprisonment
  in the Polish penal and penitentiary system    225
  Doc. dr. Jan Váně Dr. Lukáš Dirga
  University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czechia)
  The prison chaplain as a part of penitentiary care? Transformation
  of the Czech prison system after the fall of communism    253
  List of reviewers in 2017–2020    271