
capability approach

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Publikacja próbująca wyjaśnić nadprzyrodzoność, działanie Boga ipodejście systemowe do ontologii... więcej >

The article is part of the search for new generators of socio-economic development. The goal was to assess social trust (generalized, trust in public institutions) among students as current and future creators and disposers of this resource, and to... więcej >

The main theoretical and exploratory objective of this book is to propose methods for predicting subpopulation characteristics and to analyse the properties of the predictors, taking into account the correlation between the random variables. The... więcej >

During its entire history, the world has never changed as quickly as it is today. Customers' expectations, as well as widely understood conditions of doing business, are changing continuously. In consequence, the problems which the organizations... więcej >

Znaleziono: 16 pozycji


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