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Ebooki: Publikacje w języku angielskim

Znaleziono: 133 pozycji


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The subject of the monograph deals with various strategies used by advanced non-native Polish advanced learners of English while indicating word stress and its position withi mulitiple syllable English words.The first chapter is entirely devoted to... więcej >

This e-book aims to present the most critical aspects of knowledge about using experiments in economics and practical tools for using them. The topic is extended to the more advanced and increasing in popularity area of biometric research. The book... więcej >

Monografia stanowi próbę wypełnienia luki w wiedzy na temat niesłyszących piłkarek i piłkarzy nożnych. W monografii autor przedstawił zarys rozwoju sportu osób niesłyszących, w tym piłki nożnej niesłyszących. Autor zajął się... więcej >

Książka jest wynikiem wielu lat analiz i doświadczeń. Po licznych pobytach w Jemenie autorka zauważyła potrzebę opisania dialektu środkowego Jemenu, zwracając uwagę na brak lub niedostateczny opis regionu. Nie chciała zajmować się... więcej >

Systematic research and comprehensive analyses allow to monitor the implementation of the sustainable development goals. Obviously, when you are interested in the selected issue of sustainable development, it is worth using data from the secondary... więcej >

The aim of this book is to present the most important issues related to sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). They are discussed from a macro and micro perspective, both in the form of theoretical foundations of... więcej >

This publication was written for a Global Political Economy course taught in business schools offering undergraduate or graduate levels of education. The textbook focuses on select countries and regions which, in our opinion, will be the most... więcej >

“This book is not addressed to the learned, or to those who regard a practical problem merely as something to be talked about,” with this sentence English philosopher Bertrand Russell began The Conquest of Happiness and it has become an... więcej >

Niniejsza książka przedstawia instytucję umorzenia zobowiązań podatkowych w porządkach prawnych: Polski, Niemiec, Republiki Czeskiej i Anglii w szerokim kontekście prawa podatkowego oraz prawa upadłościowego. Monografia koncentruje się na... więcej >

Toward the „new normal” after Covid-19 – a post-transition economy perspective contains a collection of 21 papers addressing the societal, political, economic, and managerial challenges of the post-pandemic world. The book is divided into... więcej >

The aim of the e-book is to present the theoretical, cognitive and practical aspects of the essence and complexity of operational management in a production company. The presented modern production methods together with the challenges and problems... więcej >

The presented publication is a type of bibliographic dictionary, compiled by an interdisciplinary team of authors (Byzantynists and Paleoslavists), containing an overview of medieval texts referring to the person of Muhammad, the Arabs, and the... więcej >

Known for her drawings and paintings, Swiss artist Miriam Cahn also experiments with photography, moving images, and sculptures. For over four decades the artist has been bearing witness to social conflicts, crises and emergencies, contemplating the... więcej >

Professor Alina Kwiatkowska’s untimely departure prevented her from seeing this publication project through to the end. This book is dedicated to her memory and it is only suitable to have the volume summarised in Professor Kwiatkowska’s own... więcej >

The authors of the monograph apply their competences in the field of risk management in the financial system in order to organise what is currently known about the COVID-19 pandemic.They recognise that by nature it is both endogenous as a result of... więcej >

Znaleziono: 133 pozycji


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