
elderly people

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Autor: T.C. Bridges

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

„As the great ’plane roared through the upper air, young Monty Vince sat with his eyes glued to the thick glass window of her enclosed body, and watched the sea of clouds lying like a pearly floor far below. Every nerve in his body tingled with... więcej >

Autor: H. Rider Haggard

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

In this story, readers are introduced to Leonard Outram, a penniless British adventurer in his pocket who is seeking wealth in distant lands, having lost his family lands and estates. He is involved in the rescue of a young Portuguese woman from the... więcej >

Autor: Edgar Wallace

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

The setting is Nigeria a century ago, and British District Commissioner R.G. Sanders oversees the tribes. He discovers that Bosambo has been acting as chief without approval, but is so impressed with his skills Sanders allows him to remain in place,... więcej >

“The People That Time Forgot“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars.The People That Time Forgot is a fantasy novel, the second of his Caspak trilogy.... więcej >

Autor: Max Brand

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

Kildare saves the life of a skater who had a car accident. But even though her leg is broken, she cannot walk, and she is trying to sue Kildare for negligence, and Kildare’s entire career and reputation are now based on the correct diagnosis in... więcej >

Autor: Edgar Wallace

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

Clay Shelton is an outstanding forger and has been capable of cheating on an entire country. One day is finally arrested, convicted of the assassination for killing a policeman and sentenced to death. His execution is performed and the case is... więcej >

Book for people who want to achieve success in life, have their goals, and strive to accomplish them. This book contains many proven and safe pieces of advice, drawn from numerous successful individuals. It is a good solution for both young... więcej >

I found this collection to be very rich, and I think it will be a valuable addition to HIV/AIDS scholarship. The selection of interviews seems excellent in terms of number, length, depth, and variety. As the introduction points out, the interviewees... więcej >

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