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Książka jest poświęcona rozwiązaniom partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego, które można wykorzystać w świadczeniu usług publicznych. Omówiono organizacyjne i prawne zagadnienia partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnego w zakresie realizacji projektów... więcej >

"Public-Private Partnership is one of the most controversial solutions within modern public sector management concepts. Its enthusiasts and opponents can have discussions lasting hours, supporting their argumentation by data and examples of... więcej >

E. Phillips Oppenheim wrote most famously of secret agents and duplicitous diplomats, secret treaties and international conspiracies, moonlit Riviera casinos, Swiss hotel suites, perilous yacht trips, and glamorous trans-European express trains.... więcej >

Among several trade agreements recently concluded, TTIP is of a particular importance. It connects two leading economic power centers of the world - the European Union and the United States of America. Jointly they cover half of the world’s GDP.... więcej >

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