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Publikacja stanowi zwięzły zarys historii języka angielskiego, z uwzględnieniem jego wariantów używanych na Wyspach Brytyjskich i poza nimi. Książka zawiera fragmenty dokumentów historycznych i literackich ilustrujących omawiane... więcej >

Autor: Fred M. White


Format: epub, mobi

Fred M. White gives us the opportunity to plunge into the past of Gladys Brooke. The book begins with the perfect life of Gladys in a small town. Then we come back three years ago, where we find out that she has a brother. And they, too, then lived... więcej >

Autor: Guy Boothby


Format: epub, mobi

The city itself, climbing a hillside almost at the water’s edge, was painted pale pink at sunset, and even the old Vesuvius, from the top of which a thin column of black smoke seemed a little less gloomy than usual. Because of heaven, the sky was... więcej >

Autor: R. Austin Freeman


Format: epub, mobi

John Osborne is a young gentleman who has left England for some, as of yet, unknown reason. He settles in Adaffia, an ends-of-the-earth type of town on the Gold Coast. Almost immediately he gets into a fight defending the only other white man in... więcej >

Autor: May Agnes Fleming


Format: epub, mobi

A good, old-fashioned story that would appeal to any fan of Jane Austen or Bronte. This takes place in St. John, NB. There are enough love interests, mysterious meetings, solemn balls and the necessary beautiful bouncer to pat all the hearts of... więcej >

Autor: Thomas Hardy


Format: epub, mobi

The stories that make up The Changed Man were written at different points in Hardy’s life, but this collection was not published until 1913. Hardy wrote really excellent short stories – many of his stories had the scope and complexity of a... więcej >

Autor: Robert Barr


Format: epub, mobi

„The Chicago Princess” is a historical novel with a romantic line, written by Robert Barr. Robert Barr (1849-1912) was a British-Canadian short story writer and novelist, who published the first Holmes parody, „The Adventures of Sherlaw... więcej >

Autor: Arthur Morrison


Format: epub, mobi

„A Child of the Jago” is London-born journalist Arthur Morrison’s best known novel. It was first published in November 1896 and is set in a fictional East End slum known as the Jago, which Morrison based a real district called the Old Nichol.... więcej >

A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is one of the most legendary stories by Charles Dickens. This edition contains the original 1843 illustrations by celebrated caricaturist John Leech.... więcej >

Autor: Charles Dickens

Wydawnictwo: Avia-Artis

Format: epub, mobi

A Christmas Carol - a novella by Charles Dickens, an English writer who is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.A Christmas Carol recounts the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, an elderly miser who is visited by the ghost of his... więcej >

Dwujęzyczna adaptacja powieści Charlesa Dickensa „A Christmas Carol. Opowieść wigilijna” to atrakcyjna pomoc dla uczących się języka angielskiego. Adaptacja została przygotowana z myślą o czytelnikach średnio zaawansowanych, jednak... więcej >

Język angielski - Poziom B2Lubisz czytać dobre powieści a jednocześnie chcesz doskonalić swój angielski? Mamy dla Ciebie idealne połączenie! Klasyka literatury światowej w wersji do nauki języka angielskiego.Wzruszająca opowieść... więcej >

Znaleziono: 3301 pozycji


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