
constitutional state

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The present monograph, which is dedicated to the constitutional conditions of local self-government, is primarily devoted to the analysis of the legal solutions in force in the Republic of Poland. The aim of these solutions is to create an... więcej >

In the aftermath of the Polish-Hungarian Conference held in Cracow in 2007 there has been published the present volume. It is exponential of the cooperation between the legal historians of the Cracow and Pecs Universities. The participants of the... więcej >

The leading constitutional principles discussed here fulfill a special function as a source of interpretative directives in relation to other legał norms; they often also constitute autonomous normative contents. They express fundamental values,... więcej >

The lion's share of global investments are likely being conducted for tax avoidance purposes through controlled foreign companies (CFC) established in tax havens or low tax jurisdictions.Avoiding tax via CFCs causes several problems, in particular... więcej >

Publikacja to zbiór prac przygotowanych z okazji Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej jaka odbyła się w październiku 2018 r. na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, w której wzięli udział przedstawiciele z dziesięciu... więcej >

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