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The 5th Heritage Forum of Central Europe, organised in September 2019, was dedicated to the links between cultural heritage and environment, as well as their mutual engagement. In recent years, and especially very recently, we have become... więcej >

Publikacja przybliża zagadnienia dotyczące ochrony dziedzictwa miast. Poruszana problematyka dotyczy nie tylko wartości kulturowych dziedzictwa architektonicznego, znacznie łatwiejszego w sformułowaniu zasad ochrony, co przede wszystkim... więcej >

Alexandra Ziolkowska-Boehm’s “Open Wounds: A Native American Heritage”was inspired by her great uncle, sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski,who in response to the Lakota Sioux Indian Chief Henry Standing Bear’s request “tell my story in stone”,... więcej >

Autor: Zane Grey

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

The novel begins in the desert of southern Utah. It is the 1870s. John Hare is a young cowboy who was rescued from sure death by a Mormon rancher by the name of August Naab. Naab puts him to work with an adopted daughter, Mescal, who tends his herd... więcej >

Autor: B.M. Bower

Wydawnictwo: KtoCzyta.pl

Format: epub, mobi

Pioneering Western writer Bertha Muzzy Bower gained critical acclaim by bringing a unique female perspective to her tales of ranch life. In „The Heritage of the Sioux”, Bower brings a similarly empathic perspective to her fictionalized account... więcej >

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