
semiotic systems

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Acoustic noise is one of the most severe side effects accompanying rapid development of industry and transport, and equipping residential rooms with different sorts of devices. Prolonged exposure to high level noise may damage the hearing system and... więcej >

The reader receives competent and detailed analyses reffering to the party systems of Central European countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. The authors present, in a cohesive, yet detailed way, crucial trends in the shaping... więcej >

The aim of this book is to improve our understanding of creativity support system environments. The various articles analyse creative and innovative activities as carried out by individuals, groups, and organizations. The book's focus is on... więcej >

In the recent years companies have been faced with a growing need to focus more of their attention on creativity and innovation in order to keep up with increased global competition. Organizational creativity and innovation are enhanced through the... więcej >

The purpose of this laboratory work is to provide practical knowledge of such basic automation concepts as: dynamic system modeling for control purposes, feedback and its role, control system structures, fundamentals of designing control systems for... więcej >

Interest in local production systems (LPS) seems to be today at its peak. Many studies, which consider this phenomenon, are conducted by different research teams and cover various, often economically and culturally distant areas, which results in a... więcej >

Praca ma charakter przekrojowy i prezentuje ciekawy poznawczo i metodycznie zbiór tekstów, które łączy tematyka znaczenia nowych czynników produkcyjnych i ich umiejscowienia w terytorialnie zakorzenionych środowiskach... więcej >

Książka jest angielskojęzycznym odpowiednikiem opracowania – Układy hydrauliczne w maszynach roboczych (OWPW, Warszawa 2021)The authors of the publication entitled „Hydraulic systems in heavy construction equipment”, want to acquaint... więcej >

Prezentowana publikacja zawiera wyniki badań prowadzonych przez trzy lata przez Tomasza Kubina, Małgorzatę Lorencką i Małgorzatę Myśliwiec w ramach projektu sfinansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki (przyznanych na podstawie... więcej >

The book is concerned with theoretical and methodological foundations of clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), i.e., systems designed to help healthcare professionals make clinical decisions. It is focused on patient-specific CDSSs that help... więcej >

All research areas discussed in this book are the subject of intensive research conducted for many years at the Department of Intelligent Interactive Systems at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdansk University of... więcej >

Monografia stanowi z pewnością ważne wydarzenie w polskim świecie językoznawczym. Jest to bowiem bardzo ambitna próba „sportretowania” językoznawstwa w nowożytnej i najbardziej twórczej fazie jego rozwoju. Opis, który proponuje... więcej >

Znaleziono: 24 pozycji


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