
regional organisation

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ISSN: 1509-4995CONTENTS Grzegorz Gorzelak: Facts and Myths of Regional Development, p. 5–28; Bohdan Jałowiecki: City for Sale. Metropolisation in Peripheral Capitalism, p. 29–37; Przemysław Śleszyński: Structural, Spatial and Functional... więcej >

Tereny zamieszkane przez człowieka od zawsze były areną konfliktów. Bardziej uprzemysłowione regiony przyciągają nowych mieszkańców, którzy szukają tu swojego miejsca i możliwości pracy. Nadmierne migracje powodują przeludnienie i brak... więcej >

Problematyka pracy pod redakcją dr hab. Beaty Pituły i dr Anny Waligóra-Huk koncentruje się wokół szeroko pojętego zagadnienia kultywowania i tworzenia tradycji regionalnych przez nauczycieli krajów Grupy Wyszehradzkiej (Polski, Czech,... więcej >

As the world has become increasingly globalized through trade, investment, migration and communication, interest in global inequality has grown. This interest reaches far beyond academia and has increased dramatically in recent years. Global... więcej >

Ladies and Gentlemen,The problems referring to the development of municipalities and regions have constituted for years a subject of interest for both scientists and practitioners, as a source of inspiration for conducting research, holding... więcej >

We would like to offer you a publication covering the problems of local and regional growth, in terms of both theoretical and practical aspects, and also discussing Polish and international issues.This publication is dedicated to a wide range of... więcej >

The Department of Regional Economy at the Faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism of Wrocław University of Economics organized yet another scientific conference entitled: “Local and regional economy in theory and practice”. It was already... więcej >

Asia and Pacific’s growing importance to the rest of the world is widely acknowledged today. The dynamics of Asian economic development have tremendously impacted global trade relationships and regional cooperation. Thus, it is with great pleasure... więcej >

The hereby publication presents the result of the 24th scientific conference entitled “Local and Regional Economy in Theory and Practice” organized by the Department of Regional Economy at the Faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism of... więcej >

Pełny tytuł: "Problems of economic policy of the Central and Eastern Europe countries: macroeconomic and regional aspects. Problemy ekonomičeskoj politiki stran Central'noj i Vostočnoj Evropy: makroekonomičeskie i regional'nye aspekty. Problemy... więcej >

Znaleziono: 10 pozycji


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