
brushless machines

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This book is especially dedicated as the fundamental background knowledge, to the students of Hybrid and Electrical Vehicles, Engineering, provided by Warsaw University of Technology. Anyway, it seems, it could be also useful for other students of... więcej >

This book encompasses the essential range of information on technical aspects of mechanical design. It was written primarily for the students and staff of chemistry faculties of technical universities, yet it may also be utilized by everyone, who... więcej >

Hydraulic gear machines (HGM) are a type of machines applied in the hydraulic drive and control systems where gears are the main unit both in terms of the design and operation principle. HGMs are utilized for converting mechanical energy into... więcej >

Monografia dotyczy zagadnień oddziaływania narażeń eksploatacyjnych na struktury wewnętrzne transformatorów i maszyn elektrycznych oraz możliwości oceny ich stanu metodami wysokoczęstotliwościowymi. Przedstawione zostały w niej, z... więcej >

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