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The aim of this book is to present the most important issues related to sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR). They are discussed from a macro and micro perspective, both in the form of theoretical foundations of... więcej >

Przyszłość zarządzania nurtuje rzesze naukowców i praktyków. Ustosunkowując się do tej kwestii, Autorzy książki proponują nowe paradygmaty, formułują nowe interpretacje teorii i praktyki zarządzania, zwracają uwagę na konsekwencje... więcej >

The aim of this e-book is to present the most important aspects related to sustainability, corporate social responsibility and innovation from an accounting perspective. The book contains parts that deal with accounting aspects of sustainability and... więcej >

The book is co-authored by researchers participating in the project “Economics of Sustainability” financed by Erasmus+ Action 2 Strategic Partnerships. Its Authors are members of the academia from six European countries, which provides for... więcej >

The work gives an overview of sustainability and energy issues integrated in sustainable manufacturing providing a comprehensive insight into emerging perspective of energy sustainability and actions for achieving sustainable energy. Therefore, the... więcej >

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